Aim Assistance

Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5
Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5
Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5
Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5
Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5
Aim Line Color:
Prediction Dot Color:
FOV Circle Color:
Target Body Part:
Primary Key: None
Secondary Key: None
Triggerbot Key: None
Aimbot Smoothing: 10
Field of View: 90
Aim Distance: 250
Triggerbot Delay (ms): 5

Visual Settings

Max. Distance: 300
Box Type:
Snapline Type:
Visible Box Color:
Invisible Box Color:
Team Box Color:
AI Box Color:
DBNO Box Color:
Skeleton Color:
Bronze I Color:
Bronze II Color:
Bronze III Color:
Silver I Color:
Silver II Color:
Silver III Color:
Gold I Color:
Gold II Color:
Gold III Color:
Platinum I Color:
Platinum II Color:
Platinum III Color:
Diamond I Color:
Diamond II Color:
Diamond III Color:
Elite Color:
Champion Color:
Unreal Color:
Platform ESP Text Color:
Name ESP Text Color:
Distance ESP Text Color:
Weapon ESP Text Color:
Show Item Tiers:
Whitelisted Items
Blacklisted Items
Item Max. Distance: 50
Chest Max. Distance: 50
Llama Max. Distance: 50
Chest Color:
Chest Distance Color:
Llama Color:
Llama Distance Color:
Fallback Item Color:
Common Item Color:
Uncommon Item Color:
Rare Item Color:
Epic Item Color:
Legendary Item Color:
Mythic Item Color:
FPS Text Color:
Radar Background
You can move and resize the radar above.
Select Overlay Font:
More will be added soon.



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Customer Configurations


Placeholder Settings

Placeholder Slider 1: 50
Placeholder Slider 2: 50
Placeholder Dropdown 1: